Luthfan: Hi Rafli, long time no see old friend!, where have eyou been?

Rafli     : Hello! oh i can't believe i'll meet you here, how are you? i'm studying chemistry in Seoul national university

Luthfan: i'm pretty fine if you ask me, but anyway... Seoul??

Rafli     : Yes. Seoul awesome right

Luthfan: Yeah mate, congratulation! but how did you manage to get to study at Seoul national university

Rafli     : I study really hard, because my dream is to go to Korea. by the way, where have you been?

Luthfan: I see, you deserve it. I study astronomy at Bandung Technology Institute

Rafli     : Wow! astronomy is really hard, congratulation! I bet your dream is becoming a NASA member right?

Luthfan: Of course mate, your guess is right

Rafli     : Wow, keep your spirit up ok?

Luthfan: Of course, i will keep my spirit and courage to reach my dream, you too ok?

Rafli     : Study at south Korea is not easy. i will study harder

Luthfan: Well, I have to go now, see you later old friend

Rafli     : Yeah, me too. See you later

Luthfan: Good bye!

Rafli     : Good bye!


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